Wayne Babchuk
Professor of Practice Educational Psychology University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
TEAC 225
Lincoln NE 68588-0345 - Phone
Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Areas of Interest:
- Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
- Grounded Theory
- Ethnography
- Research Ethics
- Indigenous Land Rights and Resource Use
I am an applied research methodologist who teaches and conducts research on qualitative and mixed methods research across disciplines, research ethics, grounded theory, ethnography, grounded theory ethnography, mixed methods-grounded theory, and community-based participatory research. I am also involved in several other research tracks including Kalahari San land use and resource rights, conservation, and development, ecotourism, applied and development anthropology, the evaluation and assessment of teaching among faculty in post-secondary institutions, student and instructor perceptions of the impact of social media on learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, and several other topics. I am co-founder and co-chair of UNL’s Qualitative and Mixed Methods Interest Group (QQPM), and have taught multiple workshops on qualitative and mixed methods for the African Doctoral Academy at Stellenbosch University, South Africa and for the Japan Society for Mixed Methods Research in Osaka, Japan. I also serve as an Executive Board Member of the Central States Anthropological Society (CSAS) and Treasurer for the Kalahari People Fund (KPF) of sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, I am Managing Editor of the Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research (JEQR).
Current TeachingI am currently teaching courses through the Department of Educational Psychology’s Quantitative, Qualitative, and Psychometric Methods (QQPM) Program including Foundations of Educational Research (EDPS 800), Qualitative Approaches to Educational Research (EDPS 900), Seminar in Qualitative Research (EDPS 935), Research Ethics (EDPS 991), Grounded Theory (EDPS 991), and Intersecting Qualitative with Mixed Methods Designs (EDPS 991).
Recent Selected PublicationsBabchuk, W.A., Brand, L, & Guetterman, T.C. (in press). Improving research-based practice through qualitative inquiry: A community-based study of minority health care. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research.
Flanigan, A., & Babchuk, W.A. (in press). Digital distraction in the classroom: Exploring instructor perceptions and reactions. Teaching in Higher Education.
Hitchcock, R.K., Babchuk, W.A., & Gilbert, J. (in press). Exploring the ethics in hunter-gatherer research, rights and responsibilities. In G. Persoon & T. Minter (Eds.), Hunter Gatherer Research.
Young, T.T., Sarroub, L.K., & Babchuk, W.A. (2019). Literacy access through storytime: An ethnographic study of public library storytellers in a low-income neighborhood. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research, 14: 59-77.
Howell Smith, M.C., Babchuk, W.A., Stevens, J., Garrett, A.L., Wang, S., & Guetterman, T.C. (2019). Developing the exploring engineering interest inventory: Modeling the use of mixed methods- grounded theory. Journal of Mixed Methods Research. Advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/1558689819872599
Babchuk, W.A. (2019). Fundamentals of qualitative data analysis. Journal of Family Medicine and Community Health, 7:000040. http://doi:10.1136/fmch-2018-000040
Lynch, L.I., Dauer, J.M, Babchuk, W.A., Heng-Moss, T., & Golick, D. (2018). In their own words: The significance of participant perceptions in assessing entomology citizen science learning outcomes using a mixed methods approach. Insects, 9(1), 16, 1-15.
Guetterman, T.C., Babchuk, W.A., Howell Smith, M.C., & Stevens, J. (2017). Contemporary approaches to mixed methods-grounded theory research (MM-GT): A field-based analysis. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 13(2): 179-195. http://doi:10.1177/1558689817710877.