Meagan Kunitzer

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Meagan Kunitzer

Summer Graduate Teaching Assistants Sociology University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Curriculum Vita

Degree and Year in the Program          

Ph.D. – 6th year


Kimberly Tyler

Areas of Specialization          

Inequalities, Violence, Reproduction and Reproductive Health

About me / Bio

I am a doctoral student in the Department of Sociology at the University of Nebraska. Prior to joining UNL, I earned my undergraduate degree from the University of Northern Colorado, where was a McNair Scholar. In the spring of 2021, I completed my master’s thesis that examined protective factors associated with the perpetration and victimization of dating violence under the guidance of Dr. Tyler.

Broadly, my dissertation examines men’s reproduction and reproductive health. Using survey-driven narrative construction, I seek to explore how men think about reproductive health. Additionally, I explore whether or not this varies by race and class.

When I’m not being a graduate student I enjoy spending time with friends and family, reading, and checking out local parks with my dog, Kirby.

Courses taught 

Social Problems (3 courses) and Family & Society (2 courses)

Selected Publications

 Kunitzer, Meagan, L., Kimberly A. Tyler, and Leslie Gordon Simons. 2022. “Familial and Individual Risk Factors for Physical and Psychological Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization Among College Students.” Partner Abuse 13(3):402-19.


Undergraduate degree, University of Northern Colorado