Helen A. Moore

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Helen A. Moore

Sociology University of Nebraska-Lincoln


OLDH 729
Lincoln NE 68588-0324
402-472-3631 On-campus 2-3631

My research focus is on education and inequality, as well as the scholarship of teaching and learning. My interests in stratification, social class, gender and race are summarized in a recent book with Paradigm Press: Schooling Girls, Queuing Women (2011).

My recent research projects assess the intersectionality of academic roles, especially for women of color faculty and graduate students. Working with several teams of doctoral students, we generated mixed methods analyses of faculty perceptions of their instructional roles and the responses of their students in classroom evaluations. After serving as President of the Midwest Sociological Society, I published “Splitting the Academy: The Emotions of Intersectionality at Work” in Sociological Quarterly.

Other recent projects include “Passionate pedagogy and emotional labor: Students’ responses to learning diversity from diverse instructors,” published in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, with my most recent “Ed Team” of Schueths, Bass, Gladney and Crawford. As the Aaron Douglas Professor of Sociology and Teaching Excellence for the UNL campus, I am always interested in consulting on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, classroom assessment and research design, literatures in sociology and higher education, and publication goals. As an active participant in the UNL Women’s and Gender Studies program, I welcome working with graduate students interested in feminist research, methods or theory. I especially encourage graduate students to consider developing a Women’s and Gender Studies Graduate Certificate program at the doctoral level.


Ph.D. University of California-Riverside

Areas of Specialization:

  • Inequality (class, gender & race)
  • Sociology of Education