Brandon Bosch

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Brandon Bosch

Associate Professor of Practice Sociology University of Nebraska-Lincoln


722 OldH
Lincoln NE 68588-0324
402-472-3631 On-campus 2-3631


Ph.D., University of Washington

Current Research

My work focuses on representations in mass media (both news and entertainment) and their linkage to culture and public opinion. As an Associate Professor of Practice, I also try to share my teaching materials with other instructors. I have published some of my teaching materials in the Teaching Resources and Learning Innovation Library for Sociology (TRAILS). 

Research Areas

  • Sociology of Mass Media
  • Political Communication
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Public Opinion

Current Teaching

I teach classes in both Sociology and Political Science. In general, my classes tend to focus on media and politics. 

In Sociology, I regularly teach Sociology of Mass Media (SOCI 373) and the Senior Capstone class (SOCI 489). In Political Science, I regularly teach Public Issues in America (POLS 232), Political Communication (POLS/COMM 430), and the Political Science capstone class (POLS 400). I also serve as the internship coordinator for Sociology and Political Science. If you are interested in earning course credit for an internship through either SOCI 395 or POLS 395, be sure to contact me. 

Selected Publications

Bosch, Brandon. 2023. Does Being Known Matter? Analyzing the Effects of Name Recognition by Instructor and Student. College Teaching 

 Bosch, Brandon, and Kort-Butler, Lisa. 2023. The Joker Controversy: An Origin Story. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 23, 1-28.  

Bosch, Brandon. 2020. “Adjusting the Late Policy: Using Smaller Intervals for Grading Deductions.” College Teaching. 68, 103-104. 

Bosch, Brandon. 2019. Bat Meets Girl: Adapting the Dark Knight's Love Life to the Big Screen. Quarterly Review of Film & Video. 36, 293-251. 

Bosch, Brandon. 2017. "Literature Review Group Exercise for Undergraduates." Lecture published in TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology. Washington DC:  American Sociological Association. ( 

Bosch, Brandon. 2016. “Why So Serious?” Threat, Authoritarianism, and Depictions of 

Crime, Law, and Order in Batman Films. Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law, & Society17, 37-54.