We appreciate the many alumni and friends who have supported the Department of Sociology. We greatly value your private gifts, as they are vital to keeping our program on the cutting edge and continuing a positive learning experience for our students. Your gifts help to create academic, leadership, and research opportunities for students and faculty.
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Thank you for your support!
Sociology Department Fund
A gift to this fund would help support the many activities of the Sociology Department including department colloquiums, guest lecturers, student scholarships, and research support.
UNL Opportunity Scholarship in Sociology Fund
This fund provides scholarships to undergraduate students within the Sociology Department with preference given to students who come from educationally or culturally disadvantaged backgrounds.
Haas Faculty Award in Sociology Fund
This fund supports summer research activities for faculty in the Sociology Department with preference given to pretenure faculty. This fund was established by Emeritus Professor Al Williams.
Nebraska Association of Sociology Graduate Students (NASGS) Discretionary Fund
This fund is used for NASGS-related activities, including costs associated with meetings and events, a monetary award to existing or newly created NASGS student awards, and support for Sociology graduate students' professional development.

Unruly Sociologists
The #unrulysociologists is a group of individuals who have come together to use the information and skills that they have developed through their lived experiences, schooling, and interaction with others for the good of many. We have skills that can be applied to a number of issues, and consider it our duty as action-oriented social scientists to support social justice efforts to the best of our ability. We provide an umbrella for members to share expertise and passion on their focal topics as members of #unrulysociologists. We gain strength from our collective efforts, helping each other do more than any one of us could do alone.
Funding for the #unrulysociologists shall be used for the benefit and support of the group including assisting students (especially undergraduates) to attend conferences relevant to the #unrulysociologists mission, facilitating larger and more visible events, purchasing postcards for direct engagement with the political process, co-sponsoring campus events, and developing materials to share with elected officials.