Build experience, skills, and connections through student organizations that will last a lifetime.
Nebraska Undergraduate Sociological Symposium
Sociology majors, sociology minors, and other students interested in sociology are encouraged to participate in the annual Nebraska Undergraduate Sociology Symposium (NUSS). The symposium brings students together from all of the state colleges and universities to present papers, participate in roundtable discussions, and to meet and hear talks by eminent sociologists. One important function of the USA is participating in and periodically hosting the NUSS.
Alpha Kappa Delta
Sociology majors and minors in the top 35% of their class with a "B" average or above in all coursework, junior standing, and completion of twelve credit hours, as well as a "B" average in sociology, are eligible to join the department's chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD), the international sociology honor society. This is recognition of outstanding academic performance. The AKD induction ceremony is held each spring semester. The induction ceremony is highlighted by a presentation by an invited sociologist. Members and new inductees into AKD are welcome, as are their families and friends.
Nebraska Association of Sociology Graduate Students
The Nebraska Association of Sociology Graduate Students (NASGS) is an organization consisting of all persons holding graduate standing in the Department of Sociology and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Its purpose is to serve, protect, and further the interests of its member and to act as a forum for discussing graduate student affairs, including university and departmental policies pertaining to graduate students.
Officers of the organization are selected annually by majority vote of the members. The president presides over all meeting of the organization, is responsible for communication between the departmental faculty and the membership, and serves, along with the vice-president, as the organization's official representative to faculty meetings. With the exception of personnel sessions, meetings of the department faculty are open to graduate students.
The vice-president also serves as a representative to the Graduate Committee. The remaining officers of the organization include a Secretary/Treasurer, a second representative to the Graduate Committee, and representatives to Departmental Search, Resources and Planning, and Grade Appeals Committees. Additionally, one representative serves as social chair, responsible for organizing social events for both graduate students and faculty.
2023-2024 NASGS Officers
- President: Eli Ornelas
- Vice President: Meagan Kunitzer
- Secretary: Sage Shadoan
- Internal Grad Committee Rep: Sethe Zachman
- External Grad Committee Rep: Breanne Burton
- Outreach/Unruly Committee Chair: Sage Shadoan
- Teaching Committee Chair: Eli Ornelas and Meagan Kunitzer (co-chairs)
- Research Committee Chair: Makena Nail
- Undergraduate Committee Rep: Chelsee Allen
- R&P Committee Rep: Rachel Szelag
- FAC Committee Chair: Chelsee Allen